But, I wanted to check in really quickly before I get ready for the wedding this weekend, and let you all know (especially other convention artists) about an art-centric convention that my friend Oni has started called Intervention.
Artist alley tables will be juried, and applications are due tomorrow night, so act fast if you can! It's sure to be a really really great convention! Here's a press release to let you know more! (or go to interventioncon.com)
There is a new convention in MD called Intervention. This convention is by artists, for artists. Community and respect are a huge deal here. Artist's Alley tables are only $85. This includes a 6 ft table in a secure (locked overnight) table, a clickable link to your work, and a sample of your art on the Intervention site. The idea is to engage with the community so that we can send you traffic and help you drive sales before the convention even starts.
AA tables are open for application NOW. The deadline is tomorrow night, so you'd best apply quickly.
The URL is http://www.InterventionCon.com
September 10-12 2010 at the Hilton Washington DC
Official details:
Intervention is a convention for the independent comics, art, and music creators. The con was started by webcomic creator Onezumi Hartstein and web developer James Harknell. This goal is to bring together different independent creators to party, educate, and appreciate the opportunities the Internet gives to all of us.
Intervention will have awesome webcomics geek-related programming and gaming all day and night from Friday through Sunday. There will be one dance party where the audience can assist the DJ in making live music and one NYC-style dance party. In addition to the Artist's Alley/Vendor Room over 30 webcomic and New Media experts will attend. The con is still being planned. Discussion is being held on the Intervention forum.
If you need more information or you want to schedule an interview with the con chairs, please contact onezumi@onezumi.com
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