Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cloudy Days

Well, 6th quarter is over and I'm just happy it's done with.  My critique lasted maybe 8 minutes, and I went out with Gary for pizza later on.  He really liked some of my character development.

I'll post more work this week, but here's some clouds I did for my final for Gary's plein air painting class.  It was taken with my cell phone so it's obviously not the best quality, but I worked my ass off on it, so here's some work in progress, which is the point of this blog anyway, I suppose.

I'm headed back to North Carolina to see my parents for a week or maybe a little more.  They need a vacation and I need to stay inside and avoid the daystar aka the sun, so it works out for both of us.  I just had a pretty stressful weekend in New Jersey for a work-related trip, and I'm ready to wind down for a little bit.

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