No moar babbling; here are some pictures!
DELICIOUS SEAFOODS ARE ALWAYS CONSUMED IN MARYLAND. This is in preparation for the weekend of eating utter crap, or forgetting to eat altogether. WHAT PAIN AND MISERY WE SUFFER THROUGH TO BRING YOU ARTZ, MY LITTLE CON-ATTENDEES.
SAILOR SATURN. My favorite, next to the two gay-scouts. Her weapon was well-constructed!
I was kind of losing my mind over this Vanile cosplay, not only because it was pretty perfect and she's adorable and her weapon is totally real and badass, but also because I had moments earlier just seen a Lightning cosplay made from duct-tape, and it was terrifyingly disappointing.
Here is an assortment of pretty lolita outfits and costumes I don't know the orgins of, to spare you my ultra-witty and hilarious commentary. Some of these pictures were taken during the oh-so-hilarious FIRE ALARM that went off Saturday afternoon. Evacuating tens of thousands of attendees is not an easy task, but seriously--it was a test of human logic to get out of the building for some of these folks. The human race is not all that bright at times. Anyway, the photos:
AH, so many good times (mostly documented by my cell phone camera as well as my friend Nina, who had a real-people camera). It was a very busy weekend, and I think I did 7-8 commissions and was hunched over working for most of the convention, and I hate that I really didn't have time to hang out with my friends as much as I would have liked but MOMMA'S GOTTA PAY THE BILLS. I did manage to sneak away and say hi to most everyone I wanted to, and also made some new friends! New friends are nice to have! I finally met Jade who I've gone back and forth on twitter with (and who I blogged about way back) whose work I loooooove. C. Lijewski was also working hard for the money over on the other side of the alley next to Jade. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED, LAWLZ. Iris was out and about most of the daytime at the h.naoto booth, but was glad to spend some time with her over the weekend while she wasn't off being popular!
I also bought an original from Gus Fink, to add to all the other art by him that adorns my house. I also met his friend (ladyfriend?) whose name I forget (I'm so terrible with names, and I hate it, and I'm working on it) but she said that they would both be tabling at Dragon*Con this year, so I hope to catch up with them there!
NOW IS THE TIME TO SHARE PICTURES OF MY FACE. Luckily, my good con-artist friends have concealed most of my body with theirs, which is good, because SUNDAY WAS A FAT-DAY, INTERNET-FRIENDS, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.
Annie, Nina, and I had our cramped cozy corner of the alley. GROUP HUGS. This was Nina's first time tabling at Otakon, and she was definitely very popular! OH ONE DAY I WILL BE POPULARZ.
And now, Kathy and Paula join our group photo time. If you can't tell, it is Sunday and we have been tabling and talking to 40,000 people over the weekend, and are freaking exhausted. Look at my woke-up-early-without-coffee-to-make-a-kinkos-run-and-had-no-time-to-shower-or-look-anywheres-near-presentable face. If you don't know what that looks like, here is some unfortunate photographic evidence.
I also purchased THIS MAGICAL ITEM that will be my new donations box at conventions AS WELL AS a tool to foil my gullible friends:
So, now is when I return to the real world, and begin to eat vegetables again (thank for that hot dog vendor outside the con center, but seriously, I don't think I ate a single vegetable that wasn't a potato all weekend, SORRY, STOMACHHH). I have some leftover prints from the convention that I'll be putting up for sale (moar about that later this week). Hope everybody has a great start to the week!
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